Our supporters

All throughout the occupation of La Clef, we could count on the support of many filmmakers,
who offered us their films in solidarity and showed up at screenings to have conversations
with the public. Céline Sciamma, Frederick Wiseman, Wang Bing, Leos Carax… and many,
many more!
La Clef was a permanent festival, and the spirit of joyful resistance that inhabited the place
attracted wide audiences – especially students, rediscovering the pleasure of going to the
cinema – as well as film professionals delighted to engage with such fervent spectators !
The occupation of La Clef also gained international notoriety during the covid crisis, as our
open-air screenings on the cinema walls kept the cultural heart of Paris beating, despite
lockdown restrictions.
In april 2023, we were particularly elated to receive the support of Martin Scorsese, who saw
our efforts to save La Clef as an echo to his own commitment of defending cinemas and the
collective experience of film.

We could also count on the support of over 80 international artists, who donated works for
a charity sale and exhibition held at Palais de Tokyo in Paris in october 2023. Among them
David Lynch, Pierre Huyghe, Ange Leccia, Wolfgang Tillmans… Some of the works are still
for sale!
The support of creators – but also film producers, distributors and technicians – testifies to
the importance of a venue like La Clef in revitalizing cultural practices, through participatory
programming, a focus on sharing and knowledge transmission, and pay-what-you-want

Make a donation
USA – Film Independant fiscal sponsorship