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La Clef is an emblematic movie theater located in the “quartier latin” of Paris, originally known for supporting under-represented genre and rare art films. After La Clef’s owner, who was planning to sell the building, closed the venue in 2018, the non-profit organization, Home Cinema, decided to occupy the place in order to protect it from real estate speculation. 

After one year of occupation, 300 screenings, more than 100 guests, constant support from moviegoers, filmmakers and technicians, media, institutions and politicians, there is so far no long-term sustainable solution to save La Clef.

This is why we’re calling on you you to join us to buy La Clef between us, so that this movie theater can finally become our cinema, our common good.

#SaveLaClef !

They support us

Jean-Luc Godard, Catherine Breillat, Luc Moullet, Alain Cavalier, Cédric Klapisch, Noémie Lvovsky, Michel Hazanavicius, Olivier Assayas, Lucas Belvaux, Laurent Cantet, Claire Denis, Bertrand Bonello, Claire Simon, Jean-Charles Hue, Jean-Louis Comolli, Benoît Delepine, Mati Diop, Jean-Michel Frodon, Nicole Brenez, Tony Gatlif, Alain Gomis, Yann Gonzalez, Agnès Jaoui, Gustave Kerven, Léa Fehner, Marie Losier, Vincent Macaigne, Jean-Bernard Marlin, Thierry de Peretti, Caroline Champetier, la SRF, le GREC, l’AFC, les Monteurs Associés, Festival Cinéma du Réel, Etats généraux du documentaire, Festival du Film de Fesses, Festival des cinémas différents et expérientaux de Paris, L’Abominable, Kino-Climates, Cinéma Nova à Bruxelles, Videodrome 2 à Marseille, l’Etna, ISKRA…

The Media talk about us

A few articles (in english) to learn more about La Clef :

Kino Climates Interlocked PODCAST : Episode 4, Cinema La Clef in Paris

SLAMDANCE – 3 mars 2020 : The Cinema That Refused to Close

NAMEX (États-Unis) – 25 avril 2020 – Paris movie theater skirts lockdown with alfresco screening

REUTERS – 25 avril 2020 – Paris movie theatre skirts lockdown with alfresco screening

Page Facebook @laclefrevival
Twitter : @LaClefRevival
Instagram : @laClefRevival

Font: La Clef by Anton Moglia — instagram • site internet
Illustrations : Asile Studio — instagram • site internet